Search found 2 matches

Tue Aug 21, 2001 3:41 pm
Forum: Engine & Drivetrain
Topic: overheating on cruises
Replies: 19
Views: 1817

overheating on cruises

I would not go to a lower temp thermostat.If this is a new problem,you are not treating the root cause by applying band aid fixes.A lower temp thermo opens sooner and stays open longer, thereby exacerbating the problem you are trying to fix,i.e. cooling the water.It's not going to get any cooler if ...
Tue Aug 07, 2001 10:05 am
Forum: Body, Trim, & Interiors
Topic: Free Parts
Replies: 5
Views: 717

Free Parts

I am cutting up a 71 MK3 and have many useable parts. Front and rear seats are near perfect.All glass is good,asis instrument panel.I am going to use drive train and radiator, all else is slowly going to the scrap pile.I am located in So.Cal. Inland Empire.Fax your needs to 909 683 3631

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